Progress report

I have been working on improving the flora. The explosive plants have been made a  lot more useful. Their explosion range has been increased and, most importantly, they no longer damage the player at all:

To add more variation to the mission sites, I have added a new plant type called "tentacle". These are not explosive but can be destroyed and will grow back just like the explosive plants:

I have refactored the obstacle (decorative elements, like these plants) placement logic to be more dynamic and to allow me to add new types without having to change the code every time.

If the game is started without connection to Internet (or if the server is down), following warning is now shown instead of just empty high score tables and silently lost high scores:

After long consideration, I also added one all-time high score table for the totally random games. Because the maximum possible score depends so strongly on the randomization,  I was (and still am a bit) worried that that this might feel unfair. Then again, the weekly challenges are there for the fair score competition.  I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Next up: Test some ideas for even more decorative plants.

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Hi! Just wanted to say, I am amazed by your dedication to the project!

I just gave it a try, the combat is a lot more satisfying, and the game overall feels much more polished since the last time I played it.

Wish you the best of luck!