Alpha version 0.0.8 is here

This update comes sooner than usual because I needed a new version for Game Development World Championship 2024 submission. Despite the fast schedule, there are some significant improvements.

I have made some changes to reduce the idle waiting time during the missions. The idle time between enemy waves has been shortened and messages are now shown when waves start and end.

Previously there were indicators at screen edges that guided the player to stationary enemies. Now the same indicators are shown for all enemies. This might make the screen edges a bit more "busy" than I'd like but it removes the need to track down the first wandering enemies and gives a better view of the overall situation. Storywise it also makes that the support ship in orbit provides this information.

There are now random crystal formations growing from the ground. They act as simple obstacles that provide some cover and add visual variation to the mission sites.

Here is the full change log since version 0.0.7:

  • Adjusted player character recoil animation to be more visible.
  • Bumped up projectile hit impulse on enemies.
  • Fixed unburrowed digger enemies sliding while shooting and on impacts.
  • Added screen edge indicators for all off-screen enemies.
  • Added screen edge indicators for healing devices while player is badly damaged.
  • Fixed edge indicators breaking up at screen corners (especially at high aspect ratio screens).
  • Increased the maximum number of simultaneous enemies a bit.
  • Decreased the idle time between enemy waves from 20 to 10-15 seconds.
  • Show messages on enemy wave start and completion.
  • Added new sentry gun shoot sound with more variation.
  • Return camera to orbit when returning to main menu.
  • Prevented enemies from climbing on top of obstacles.
  • Fixed enemy projectiles not triggering impact effects on hit.
  • Added crystal formations as alternative obstacle type.
  • Made enemies change position if their ranged attacks are continuously blocked by obstacles.
  • Added two new walker enemies.
  • Increased fire rates for some of the tougher enemies.

You can download the game here on  or wishlist it on Steam

Any feedback will be appreciated!

Files 22 MB
Version 0.0.8 May 27, 2024 21 MB
Version 0.0.8 May 27, 2024

Get Phobos Down

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